The Eye of Horus

.This research will explore and briefly define the research I found concerning the Eye of Horus
The Eye of Horus originated in Ancient Egypt, represents healing and knowledge and is a symbol of protection from evil. The Eye of Horus originated from the Egyptian god Horus (also known as Heru, Hor, Har and Her), who was the god of the Sky. Horus had the body of a man and the head of a falcon
: Symbolism
The Eye of Horus symbolizes power, health, and protection from evil. The eye represents the battle between Seth and Horus as revenge for the death of Horus’s father, Osiris.
The Eye of Horus has been used for many metaphors over the years, i.e., “Eye of the Mind, Third Eye, Eye of the Truth or Insight, the Eye of God inside the Human Mind.” The ancient Egyptians, because of their beliefs in the Eye of Horus’ mystic powers, gave all these names to the Eye of Horus. Herein, we will illustrate the Eye of Horus’ anatomical relevance by observing the series of artwork

The Eye of Horus fragments were organized together to form the whole Eye, similar to the myth, and these fragments were given a series of numerical values with a numerator of one and dominators to the powers of two: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, and 1/64
Some historians suggested that each part of the eye represents one of the six senses: smell, sight, thought, hearing, taste, and touch. Some historians suggested that each part of the eye represents one of the six senses: smell, sight, thought, hearing, taste, and touch
The 1/2 accounts for the sense of smell, the 1/4 represents sight, the 1/8 represents thought, the 1/16 represents hearing, the 1/32 represents taste, and the 1/64 represents touch
The significance of our theory of the Eye of Horus is not to be used as an anatomical gold standard but rather to acknowledge and appreciate the genius and foresight of an ancient civilization in decoding the intricate functions of the human central nervous system
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