?What Is Freemasonry
Freemasonry is a post-collegiate fraternity dedicated to the spiritual development of the initiate into a broader sense of the self, how they relate to the Divine and their contributory role in the world. It conveys this message through a series of progressive degrees initiating the candidate into a deeper level of understanding and membership. Ultimately, the raised Master Mason is given the allegorical tools to further work on an develop their Masonic intuition.
The largest and oldest secular fraternal order in the world, Freemasonry crosses all religious boundaries to bring together individuals of all countries, sects, and opinion in peace and harmony to work towards the betterment of all mankind. A universal brotherhood, Freemasonry is dedicated to serving the divine through service to family, country, and humankind.
Freemasonry is a philosophical organization emphasizing the study of moral symbols to build character in its participants. This education is, in part, the foundation of a more profound understanding of mankind and his existence in society. Living today in a “throw away society”, Freemasonry teaches about the value of history, freedom, and charity (ultimate perfection of the human spirit) towards all mankind.
The real nature of Freemasonry is a spiritual force behind each member, improving themselves morally by associating with other like minded individuals. Also, Freemasonry acts as a social organization, promoting the interaction between like minded members within the lodge to build friendly bonds between them. By fostering this brotherhood, relationships are made such that even meeting outside of the comforts of the lodge the bonds remain and genuine affection prevails. Wherever traveling, masons meet and greet other masons as brothers as a result of these bonds.
?Who Are Freemasons
Freemasons are individuals who voluntarily seek admission to a lodge, accepted because they were tested and found to be of good character, who believe in a divine presence and uphold high moral, personal, and ethical standards.
They participate and desire to participate with like minded men in learning what Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth mean, practicing these tenants within and without lodge in their various social and professional communities.
Masonic Secrets
There are no secrets in Freemasonry, except for the initiatory rituals and even those are not secret in their activity, but rather in their deeper meanings.
The lessons learned in Freemasonry are openly shared with wives, friends, co-workers and to anyone who desires to understand their meaning. The most profound secret is the depth of fraternal association that comes with BEING a Freemason.
Freemasons are not typically boastful or indolent about its virtues and seldom squander the opportunity to impart the wisdom of the fraternity whenever possible. Practical duties of charity are planned for and carried out, personally and within a lodge. Most importantly, the bonds of fidelity and brotherly love are practiced within the lodge and without towards all brothers and non brothers alike, but with special consideration to brother master masons, where ever they may be.
What is Freemasonry About?
Freemasonry is about building meaningful relationships with like minded individuals who have a spiritual connection without a religious dogma. In most instances, those bonds last a lifetime in person, at a distance, both on-line and on the street.
?What Does Freemasonry Do
Freemasonry opens members eyes to the knowledge that the road to happiness is found in the journey to the perfection of the spirit, intellect & soul, collectively striving to their fullest
Differing from religious institutions, Freemasonry sees all people as equal, not drawing division of expressions of faith or depth of beliefs. Fellow Freemasons are regarded as brothers because of the rituals of Freemasonry, which have remained virtually unchanged for many hundred years. By accepting people of all faiths, together in Freemasonry they learn and teach the truths of morality, justice, patriotism and brotherly love all expressed through reverence to the divine Great Architect of the Universe.
Simply, Freemasonry builds and advances the character of men to make them better.
Building on principals of moral integrity, Freemasons hold brotherly love as paramount to the benefit of mankind. Whether through charitable acts or by direct involvement, Freemasonry has dedicated itself to the prosperity of mankind.
On the individual level, Freemasonry builds on moral philosophy, through allegorical symbols to impart rich and complex meanings about the divine. What that means is taught through Masonic education where individuals are given their own personal building blocks to contribute to the development of their own personal moral character and then charged with applying that purpose in their day-to-day life.
Freemasonry does NOT act to impart religion to its membership. Instead, Freemasonry builds on the tenets and virtues taught by all religions, including a faith in the divine, the application of the Golden Rule, and the value of leading a moral virtuous life – all with the drive to put these ideas into personal practice. It promotes the active participation in the member’s individual faith tradition, charging them to build their spiritual character.
Throughout the mason’s life, the lessons of morality and ethics are revisited through the extensions of the various bodies of Freemasonry, building further on the principals of Freemasonry. Seldom can a mason say they have learned all of the meanings taught to them through the degrees.
By serving to promote brotherly love, Masons are actively involved in extending charity and benevolence to meet the needs of those in the most need in society.
By example, Freemasons are involved in ALL of these charitable organizations giving to the needs of others.